I promise

Here I am, buried deep in overdue blogging university assignments and Insanity posts. Not to mention, a messed up workout schedule backed by a week of unhealthy eating habits!!

Life with a kid is really different when it comes to how your time goes by. Before my daughter came there was something called free time. Time apart from chores, work and school. Now, let’s just say there’s no such thing! There’s time for all the important stuff and then her time lol!

But I gotta say, even with all of that I love it! I love her and our little family and I won’t have it any other way.

However, I am now in the “I promise” stage when it comes to getting certain things done..like blogging and working out! It’s hard to balance things out again after everything got thrown off course but I promise myself I’ll get everything organized within the next two days! And I promise you guys that things will be right on track! 😉

Got lots to share with you guys so look forward to a packed week ahead 😀

Thanks for sticking with me! ❤


Unlocking my mind


Seriously, I think my mind is way beyond unlocked because it has so much going on at once that I think I need to start locking things away! LOL

It’s 11:20 pm here and I’m only now starting this assignment since this is my free time. My daughter fell asleep earlier tonight, THANK GOD! And so now I can really take 20 minutes to myself just to let go and type my thoughts out. Ready? I hope you are because I’m not even sure where this is going to end up!

To begin, there is something I definitely must say. I hate mosquitoes and flies!! My goodness!! In the Caribbean, there are lots of spaces with overgrown grass also known as “bush”. Of course if you live in the capital and more developed areas you don’t have to worry but where I live mosquitoes are an issue. And as of right now, they are singing tunes in my ears!!

We often have to use insect sprays to kill them but they seem to be mutating and growing immune to all the brands we’ve gone through so far!! It’s THE WORST!!

But on a lighter note, blogging has been great to me thus far and I am grateful for the continuous support from WordPress and those that took the time to read and follow me. This month will mark two months! Yay me!!

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